Southbank Video Conferencing Installation

Video Conferencing Installation | Corporate Southbank PC Audio Visual Melbourne

Video Conferencing Installation

Location: Southbank, Melbourne, Victoria

The client required an easy to use video conferencing system for the meeting room at the site. With an installation at this, it is important to ensure that the audio components and video components are installed in the correct positions that provide the best quality for the user.

A 65” screen was installed on the wall, with microphones attached to the ceiling to minimise impact to the space in the room. The Logitech PTZ PRO2 conferencing system was chosen due to the quality of the camera and the ability for it to capture high definition video. With the ability to wirelessly mirror from any device to the new 65” screen from any device or system, the meeting room was completely set up for whatever needs the client has.

Logitech PTZ PRO2
PC Audio Visual has the experience and expertise to help you with all your meeting room needs in Melbourne and surrounding areas.
We can assist with Logitech, HubbleCam, AirServer, Panasonic, Sony & more.

Logitech Logo PC Audio Visual Melbourne